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Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2013

Gustavsson Legacy V - Generation 3

Finally time for another update on the Gustavssons!

Find the previous posts here:

Gustavsson Legacy I   Gustavsson Legacy II   Gustavsson Legacy III   Gustavsson Legacy IV

We left Anders and Basic after their marriage.

Stella, the family´s servo, was feeling kind of lonely, and another family needed a servo. I thought the two might make a nice couple, and lo and behold, they got along really well. Here we see Stella turning Fowler on :-)

Marja likes to hang out with the boys, even in the most inappropriate moments.

 Basic´s belly is starting to show ...

and a few days later he goes into labor in the middle of the crowd that likes to hang out on the Gustavsson estate. I have made it a rule that any unsuspecting passer-by gets greeted and invited into the house, which makes for some lively interactions.

And Aeryn gets born, the first baby (girl) of generation 3!

Basic annoys the heck out of me by constantly rolling wishes to flirt with Aeon Adams. They went to college together, and if I remember it correctly, Aeon attempted to kiss him once, which Basic refused.

Obviously, my memory doesn´t serve me right, it was the other way around. They did kiss while being together in the Greek House, but Basic, is it really necessary to continually roll that want after all those years? Aeon is married, you are married, but first thing in the morning after you get up, the wants panel looks like this:

I even checked the attraction scores via ACR, and Basic has higher scores with Anders, so, really, what is this all about? Stop bugging me with Aeon, this is not going to happen!

We have a saying in German, "Kleine Sünden bestraft der liebe Gott sofort", which roughly translates to "God punishes little sins immediately", and when I next went to the Gustavsson house and Basic got up, he looked like this:

Nice makeup, Basic. I then remembered he went to Cissy´s Beauty Palace, and one of the trainees there ruined his face.

It became quickly clear that raising a baby was not Basic´s favorite task.

Luckily for Aeryn, Stella and Marja were taking care of the baby a wee bit better, although below we see them playing the "pass around the stinky baby" game.

Aeryn grew up into a cute toddler, being a spitting image of Basic.

I had the silly idea to see how well everybody (a household of four grown-ups, a servo and a dog) would take care of the toddler. To cut a long story short, it was a complete failure (except for the dog). The above images were taken when Aeryn tried to get their parent´s attention for hours, but they were too busy telling dirty jokes or making love and paid absolutely no attention to their girl. I gave up that experiment quickly. I love my Sims too much :-)

Just when I thought things were starting to get a bit boring in the Gustavsson household, Anders and Basic telepathically picked up my thoughts, hopped into bed and *bingo*, I heard the lullaby again. They did not even try for baby or anything, it just happened. Oh well. I was curious who the lucky one was:

Hmm, is Anders trying to tell me something? Hanging over the toilet thinking of his husband and puking?

Here we see the proud soon-to-be-daddy singing a sea shanty to the devoted servo Stella.

Anders´ relationship with his father Ingolf is a little difficult. Every day, Ingolf takes a look at the portrait Anders painted of him and shakes his head in disapproval.

And everytime, Anders breaks out in tears.

This might be the reason Anders frantically paints in his rare free time.

Another interesting tidbit: Anders picked a career that is the exact opposite of Ingolf´s career - Ingolf was a Criminal Mastermind, and Anders is in the Law Enforcement career and quickly became Captain Hero.

A subconscious attempt to recompense the bad deeds his father did? A subtle (or maybe not so subtle) Oedipus complex thingie? "Hey Dad, see me in my shiny Captain Hero armor? I could kick your a** anytime!" And at the same time that breaking out in tears when Ingolf complains about his painting again. Complex, indeed.

It probably didn´t help the relationship either that Marja and Ingolf found the loveseat in the boy´s sleeping room irresistable and did not care a single bit that Anders and Basic were sleeping behind them. Have you no sense of decency, folks?

The bed seemed equally attractive.


Time flew by quickly, and Anders gave birth to Thor, who is another spitting image of Basic. Sheesh, where did the wonderful Gustavsson genes go?

Because the post has gotten rather long and image-heavy, read the next part here:

Samstag, 3. November 2012

Gustavsson Legacy IV - Generation 2

Previous posts in this legacy:

Gustavsson Legacy I   Gustavsson Legacy II   Gustavsson Legacy III

Marja had already aged up before Ingolf. They were still all over each other, though. I have never seen this before. Ok, they are both Knowledge sims, but still, the wants windows are both filled with wants to talk, play, flirt, wohoo with the other - constantly. It is not even spring! And they only share two bolts. Nevertheless, this couple is definitely in love.

While the kids were still in college, Ingolf became elder.

He looks goregous, doesn´t he?

They threw a party for the occasion, and the kids came over. Marja is so proud of her sons! (Ok, I admit, the look in her face is rather blank, just pretend she is looking proudly :-))

I don´t know where Anders went, but I have grown more and more attached to Flynn and Arkadij.

The two elders are having a good time. When they are not kissing or hugging, Ingold loves to smustle, and Marja is the bathtub pirate. They both retired and enjoy they quiet time with each other.

Or they smustle together and make me feel like I play an asylum challenge again.

Marja still has that secret, never-expressed crush on John Hunter. They have been best friends forever, and he is so dear to her heart. If the rules (which I broke quickly in generation 2) did not state that the founder had to marry a townie, she would have been together with John. Well, some things are not meant to be, but I always get a little melancholic when I see these two together.

Basic finished University a semester earlier than Anders and already moved in with the Gustavssons.

Then I went and played Cissy´s Beauty Palace, and darn ACR kicked in when Flynn and Basic were there at the same time.

I could not believe my eyes. Flynn, would you please stop kissing your brother´s fiance and soon to be the heir´s spouse??? Aargh. Sometimes I hate ACR. Basic and Anders were already engaged, but not married. Interesting enough, Anders refused flirt attempts when he moved into the Greek House:

He was upset when Nikolai tried kissing his arm, and Nikolai kissing thin air instead is hilarious! Well, I guess Sims are just different when it comes to flirt attempts ... despite how ACR is set up.

Nevertheless, when Anders finally finished Uni and moved back in with his parents, Basic dropped everything and went outside to greet his partner passionately and lovingly:

And they hugged. And kissed. And flirted. And kissed some more ... it was cute.

 And since Anders as a family Sim wants to celebrate the Golden Wedding, I let them marry right away. (Basic is a fortune Sim, btw.)

During the ceremony, a stray random Sim came by and joined the festivities. There is no greater way to photobomb the wedding picture by hopping into the front of all friends with a tacky pink suit!! (Not to mention the haircut. And the face. Note to self: Grab random townies more often and give them a makeover.)

Ingolf joined the ceremony a little late, but as an elder gets excused. I love his Indian style formal suit!

I am not sure though why Marja did not care at all about her firstborn´s wedding and decided to eat some hotdogs with Flynn, who did not care either. Arkadij had to work and could not join.

I have grown fonder and fonder of the twins, and was slightly regretting making Anders the heir, but, what the heck. They will get a little update on their own.

Just some random shots of the guests.

Eldred is too damn cute when he is flirting, because he has only one or two outgoing points. He always gets embarrassed completely, but could not stop flirting with his partner Aeon.

Flux on the right. I have to sneak in one of my favorite shots of Flux that is totally unrelated to the party:

Elaine and Ziggy who just married and are expecting offspring soon.

Basic had to leave for work. The party was a great success.

Aeon and Flynn:

Yeah, and then it was baby-making time :-) Stay tuned to find out when generation 3 of the Gustavsson Legacy will be born!

Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012

Aeon Adams and Eldred Rice II

Read previous posts about the couple here:

Part 1   Part 2

(Very) short summary: Aeon Adams and Eldred Rice fell in love with each other while being in Uni. Eldred graduated and moved in with his BFF Luna Hatter.

The relationship between Eldred and Aeon had cooled down a bit. They say, absence makes the heart grow fonder,  but in this case, it was more like "Out of sight, out of mind". Aeon started flirting with Basic (sheesh, Basic, you are part of the Gustavsson Legacy now, stop that fooling around!), and both Aeon and Eldred lacked a bit of enthusiasm for each other whenever they met.

They were thinking of splitting up for good when Luna decided to invite Aeon over for dinner. One thing led to another, Eldred led Aeon to bed, and I could not believe what I heard: the post-coital jingle aka lullaby. Eldred got pregnant, with twins!!! This is the third unplanned pregnancy in the neighborhood, and the second time it hits a gay couple which is ready to break up (first was Lewis and Dorian who are glad they stayed together).

Here you see a happy Aeon leaving his knocked up boyfriend who is blissfully unaware of things to come.

My Knowledge sims have commitment issues, but always a great sense of responsibility. Aeon is no different, he races through the last semesters of Uni, graduates summa cum laude, and he and Eldred buy a house with a lake. He has no intention on marrying, though. It is fine for Eldred, who is relieved he does not have to raise the twins on his own.

It sounded like a great idea at the time I picked my neighborhood - mountains. A look at the image reveals the reality. This is not a skyscraper, but the road up the hill. In a 90 degree angle. Amazing.

The attempt to flatten the terrain made things even worse. Never, ever will I create a new neighborhood in the mountains. Promised. It is not only the visual insult that is bad. I hate the camera suddenly going up and down again when zooming in and out. I really, really hate it, but there is nothing I can do. Exept maybe move every single house in the neighborhood into the bin and into a new hood, but I am not sure if I want to do it, and if it is safe. I have 38 families in this hood and a bunch more houses, so this would take forever.
Their first breakfast in the new house. Eldred is not shy and brings up the issue with Basic.

"Was that really necessary? An affair with Basic??"

"Awww, come on! It was not an "affair"! I kissed Basic, and I already apologized. I am sorry. Ok?"

It obviously is.

Aeon is desperately searching for a job. They are really low on money, the house wasn´t cheap, and I forget about the money for the maternity leave. Aeon wants to be a Mad Scientist, but the job doesn´t show up for, I don´t know, five days? It drives Aeon nuts and makes him grouchy.

Out of desperation, he picks the job in the Showbiz career, because it brings in the most money, and quickly makes it to Broadway star. Who would have guessed? :-)

The pregnancy goes smoothly. No throwing up, no question marks over Eldred´s head. As a doctor, he should know what is going on.

When he pops, he is aware it was not the pancakes he just ate.

He pops a little more. And looks like, hmm, too much beer?

And then the great moment arrives.

Yes, Mr. Wannabe Mad Scientist, Woohoo is exactly what created the situation you find yourself in now!

The first baby is a girl, and awwww ... totally inherited Aeon´s genes. She looks like a copy of his sister Elaine as a baby and gets named Undine.

The second baby is a girl, too. And for some reason, I did not take a screenshot. Don´t ask me why. Her name is Violet.

And then fate knocks on the door.  Harold Lloyd makes an appearance. He is a sim I made and townified, being curious how long it would take until somebody falls in love with him. He often calls my sims, but mostly married women, Faust Stockhausen hung out in the tub with him, but only has one bolt, he landed in another tub of the infamous Romance sim Roxanne, and I feared for his virginity, but he came out of it immaculate. Sadly, Eldred does not have a tub, but three bolts for the cute guy who is as shy as he is.

They make friends quickly, and my imagination goes rampant. How about letting Harold move in with them? But for the moment I drop the idea, and Harold trots away.

Having newborns is rather easy at first. They mostly lie in the crib.

The guys even have time to study.

I am so unsure what to do with them, so I stop my micromanaging and just let them do what they want.

Aww, I kind of missed that. Raising twins is not an easy task after a while. They have no help except from the creepy male maid Maximilian with the purple gloves who never cleans the shower nor toilet. I am glad Eldred loves to clean, it is a source of pleasure for him to scrub, so his mood is mostly great.

Aeon hasn´t lost his sense of humor, he learned the sea shanty from Juan (Chico) Ramirez, and loves to entertain Eldred in the kitchen.

 And then the girls grow up. Urgh. Undine just needs a new hairdo and is basically cute, but Violet??

This looks more like a mix of dog and baby. Only the eyes and brows look familiar. I am glad there is something like plastic surgery.

Undine is really cute.

She quickly wins over her aunt Elaine´s heart with being a spitting image of her.

After some cautious surgery, even Violet looks cute and a bit like Aeon without all the body hair.

I have no idea where Eldred put his genes. Maybe he misplaced them.

Eldred thinks the same when trying to teach Violet to speak.

I did not take many pictures when they were toddlers. It was a mess. Eldred was lucky when he got two hours of sleep in a row. One toddler woke up the other who had just been put in bed. Empty, stinky bottles everywhere. Constant running to clean the potties. A bug which dropped the environmental score really low. I have not been able to find out what is causing it. But the kids grew up well and Aeon finally found his mad scientist job.

The impression I have a preference for Undine might not be entirely false. I just have a weak spot for the Shadowbane werewolf gene. So, again, no picture of Violet, who was in bed already. Thanks heavens!

After the birthday celebration, Aeon and Eldred just fell into bed, totally exhausted. They are still there, recovering from raising the twins. Stay tuned, there might be an update sooner or later! I always want to have a family vacation, maybe this family might be the lucky one.