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Posts mit dem Label Loic Inward werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Samstag, 3. November 2012

Herding cats

In German, we have the expression of taking care of a sack of fleas, best translation I could find was "herding cats". This is how I felt with the last wave of kids in university.

Elaine, Ziggy and Aeon had eventually left, but I was still taking care of about three or four households and got sooo tired of it. So in a desperate attempt to make the last semesters more fun, I expanded the Greek House and invited everybody in until I had all eight playables in there:

Loic Inward, Flux Hatter, Nikolai Ramirez, Arkadij and Flynn Gustavsson, Basic Grey, Reaumur Shadowbane and Loics sister Lilith. Poor Lilith, none of the boys had any interest in her, and she had to find somebody outside to finally lose her virginity.

The boys continued what they had started while living together in smaller groups: higgledy-piggledy, crisscrossing love-making. Everyone has at least one bolt with everybody else, some share two bolts, but no one has three bolts with another one, so it is hard to make a decision of who should be with whom. I stopped my micro-managing frenzy and just let them do what they wanted.

Loic with Arkadij:

... and with Reaumur

Nikolai with Flynn:

... and with Reaumur:

Well, you get the idea.

In a desperate attempt to get at least one couple together, I let Loic get engaged with Flux, because they really had a crush on each other.

Until Loic discovered his interest in Flynn.

There was a funny scene in the bathroom:

Flynn getting ready for a bath because he smelled, and Loic just stood there and watched.

In one moment, he was repelled by the stink:

Only to swoon in the next second.

Then he stood there for half an hour watching Flynn bathe.

As soon as Flynn got out of the tub, Loic started to congratulate him. And then congratulated him some more. And then, he congratulated him again.

This went on and on ... he just wouldn´t stop with his congratulation and swooning spree. And I thought: Sheesh, why don´t you two just find a nice cozy bed and get it over with? But both were so exhausted that I had to send them to bed separately. But they took the next opportunity to finally follow their longing.

I had a mod installed that shortened the semester time, which was a blessing, and after two or three days everyone except Lilith was done with college.

She is the last woman standing in the Greek House and waiting for the next incoming wave of new kids that have yet to grow up. One of the last shots of her makes me think though that the time in between will not be too boring:

My first female streaker. [Ryan, who had that job for quite a few college years, got married into my neighborhood (and guess what, he still runs around naked most of the time.)]

Here Reaumur gets harrassed by her and the cheerleader at the same time.

A few more shots of my favorite kiddos:

Arkadij Gustavsson, channeling Andy Warhol:

Loic´s face when someone appreciates him:

Nikolai and Flynn:

Reaumur, whose face I still get not right despite many attempts.

Arkadij and Nikolai

And one of my all time favorite shots of Flux:

When everone was done, I had them all in the bin and did not know what to do with them. Then I had the bright idea to throw them all into one large house. But more about that later!

Donnerstag, 6. September 2012

Gustavsson Legacy III - Generation 2 Anders Gustavsson in College

So, Anders joined the wild bunch at La Tour University. I had a baby boom in my neighbourhood, suddenly everybody wanted babies, and they are all together there now, 15 kids in various semesters. Gosh, it gets a bit tedious, because they constantly roll wants to chat with each other on the phone. Annoying!

Back to Anders. I took a peek at the crystal bowl to see who his best match would be. Turns out one triple bolter for him is Basic Grey, another is Christel, who was in college before and turned into a townie.

Anders goes shopping for a mobile phone, and guess who shows up? Basic.

Of course, Basic gets invited. They get along well.

Well, yeah, now it is rule-breaking time. The rule would be to find him a townie partner, but these two are just too cute with each other.

I make a half-hearted attempt and summon Christel to his home later.

The attempt stays half-hearted. Christel is really sweet, but Anders has made up his mind and already rolled the wish to get engaged with Basic. I will have to see how the twins will do once they join the college crowd.

Anders applies for membership in the Greek House, currently Elaine Adams, Eldred Rice and Luna Hatter are living there. My favorite place in college! As soon as Eldred and Luna move out, Anders will join in.

A typical day in the Greek House. Anders seems unimpressed or maybe already worn out. From left to right:

Anders, Flux Hatter, Sophie Black, The Streaker, Ziggy Stardust, Eldred Rice, Aeon Adams and a college townie.

Back at Basic´s place, Anders doesn´t look too happy doing his homework.

Well, college drags on and on, especially if you have so many kids there at the same time. So, there is not much going on. Basic and Anders are engaged now, and hopefully will make it safely through the four years.

A little bit later the twins joined college, too. They at first shared a flat with Reaumur Shadowbane, son of Rae and Matt Shadowbane, née Hatter.

I usually roll the dice for getting the aspiration, the poor kid became a Romance Sim, despite his fathers being both Knowledge Sims. Well, I try to keep going with this as long as possible. Here he is, trying out his luck with cute Loic Inward.


Flynn Gustavsson, looking a little emo eating his chef salad.

His twin brother Arkadij, who is a little emo, too. Maybe because their mother Marja was so sick when they were babies, and they were basically raised by a servo? :-)

At their apartment with Reaumur, Loic and Nikolai Ramirez, the college/ACR mishap. His father Max Flexor was still in college while Nikolai joined, so I raced trough the last semester to get Max out of college and made him a townie.

I am already completely losing track of who is in love with whom in this boy group. Loic is obviously high in demand.

As is Nikolai Ramirez, another Romance sim if I remember correctly. I decided to just let them go and wait til the last semester to decide who is going to live with whom. With such a bunch of Romance Sims, it is kind of hard to form stable relationships :-)

That´s it for the time being! It might take a while to get this crowd through college. Stay tuned :-)

Continue the Gustavsson legacy here.

Gustavsson Legacy II

If there had been any doubt whether Ingolf Peterson was the right man, I was fully convinced after seeing his PJ.

It is amazing how well his pyjamas fit Marja´s favorite color scheme!

Marja learned to life with his criminal tendencies.

Since time is really an issue in a Legacy, she became pregnant quickly. She never had much time to gain many body points, so the pregnancy was really tough. She basically spent it in the Bermuda Triangle of bed, fridge and toilet, either throwing up or needing to pee. This was the worst pregnancy I ever had in game.

Warning: Gore below.

Short before birth, Marja and Ingolf had a quiet marriage. There was neither time nor energy for a fancier party.

And then Anders Gustavsson was born.

Ingolf is a very loving father. Ah, cute men and babies :-)

Then Marja got pregnant again. With twins!! The first twins in my game. I was delighted.

The twin boys were born. And all hell broke loose.

I don´t know exactly when it happened, but Marja got ill. Really ill. Just a day before, I had put a mod in the game which caused the illnesses to be more severe. Looking back, it was not a good idea.

She coughed ... and coughed ... and coughed. She did not get better for days. Ah, and Ingolf was ill, too. There they were, one toddler and two babies, and both parents ill. Marja was so sick she thought of death.

And I was really worried my Legacy would come to a sudden end. Panic!!

For some reason, I either forgot to take screenshots, or the internal screenshot program was acting up. So I do not have many pictures.

Just one of the twins getting really scared by an evil toy:

I used one moment when Ingolf was not close to fainting to rush him to Robertson´s Robot Manufacture to get another Servo. She is responsible for the survival of my Legacy. Both parents were tied to the bed, Ingolf improved rather quickly, but most of the twins childhood Marja was really ill. Sad!

Anders is an interesting little guy. Playing chess and fishing with his father at the local Fish & Swim Community Park. Marja is still in bed coughing.

Anders with his younger brother, Flynn.

Flynn, Arkadij, Anders

Finally, Marja and Ingolf make it to the top of their careers.

During the party of Anders growing up into a teenager. Subtitle: Things with wings :-)

Doing the Smustle.

Last shot of Anders before he goes to college. Totally love the outfit!

The twins wave Anders goodbye, and the family enjoys some winter fun.

Marja and Ingolf are still madly in love with each other, while the twins serioulsy lack table manners.

Then Marja´s big day comes. Sniff! She is the first Sim I ever let age. An interesting experience. Of course, they throw a big party. It is also the day the twins grow up. A triple birthday.

Smustling in the shower is always the best! To the left is Loic Inward, son of Ontario and Alice Reeves. Watch out for him, he becomes a real cutie!

Marja ages up quite beautifully.

Again no pictures of the teenage twins. Don´t ask me why. You will meet them again in college.

Next: Anders Gustavsson goes to college!