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Posts mit dem Label Adrian werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2012

Shadowbane Clan

Now to one of my most favorite characters, Rae Shadowbane. As mentioned earlier in the post about Nero and Adrian Delacroix, while searching for new bodyshapes and skins, I discovered this cute furry Lycan/Werewolf skin by SynapticSim. Rae was the first Sim created with that skin.

Rae moved into this old castle which was quite depressing in the beginning.

Rae is a knowledge Sim in the medical career. He was studying very hard and spent most of his evenings quite lonely. He eventually made friends with Adrian, who had been part of the welcome party.

They got along really well, became engaged and were ready to marry when Rae all of a sudden decided he wanted to procreate. Adrian was already used to a lot by being with Nero, and he agreed.

Swiftly a female Lycan/werewolf lady got created, sweet Sheena, a Party aspiration Sim:

Sassy and fresh, isn´t she?? :-) She had a few dates, then one day Raeburn passed by her house, and it did not take these two long to get along well with each other.

She enjoyed the luxurious and spacious house, and she willingly agreed to be the mother of Raeburn´s children.


She had met Edward earlier while still living alone, and the closer the end of her first pregnancy came, the more she longed for Edward, so Rae and Adrian agreed to let Edward move in with them.

It was quite a wild househould by that time :-)

I had never played a household that large before, and things did not improve when the first baby Akira was born.

 Akira grew up to a cute little girl, with a Lycan skin, too.

The two couples Rae/Adrian and Sheena/Edward got along well with each other, and there was always somebody there to take care of the kid´s needs. According to Adrian, all could have been well until Rae and Sheena decided to have another baby. This was somehow the straw that broke the camel´s back, and as soon as Antonius was born, Adrian moved out and back in with his former love Nero. Edward wasn´t too crazed about it, either.


Oh, these ugly children :( I hardly have any toddler pictures of my kids, because they are so terribly ugly. Glad they grow out of it eventually :-)

Akira, their first child, grew into a teenager and had her first love with Nureon. I noticed the absolute lack ingame of appropriate teenage boys who would qualify for a first kiss, so I created Nureon and his father Oreeon Darknight to remedy that. Wouldn´t it be nice if you could create your dream mate like this? :-) It is the same Nureon who later fell in love with Adrian (see this post).

They looked like the perfect couple, but sometimes your Sims have a mind of their own. At least mine have :-) Akira had recently grown up into an adult and her parents threw a birthday party for her brother Antonius. Akira spotted Tony, and this was the end of her relationship with Nureon. Poor Nureon!! But he was still a teenager at that time, and there was nothing from stopping Akira getting what she wanted, and this was just TONY! She did not care that he was already in a long-term relationship with Richard. She hung on the phone for hours, trying to build up a relationship with him.

Here you see Akira, hidden behind the flash of Antonius growing up, with a love bubble about red-haired Tony over her head, who just speaks with Nureon. This was also the party where Nureon met Adrian (the guy in grey on the left) and began to notice Antonius.

See the determined look on her face? :-)

How it did continue with those two? Continue reading here.

Antonius had grown up into a cute teenager, and instead of looking for a nice girl to fall in love with, he fell in love with Nureon. I do not know why 2/3 of my neighborhood is gay or at least bi, but hey, that is the way it is :-)

Here they are on their first date in the Deepest Purple.

More about these two in a separate post! (which has yet to be written)

Shortly before Antonius moved out, Raeburn became a little tired of living in such a lively household. He had been a very reliable and caring father who really took care of his responsibilities, but when Sheena decided she wanted to have a baby with Edward, this was too much, and he kindly asked them to move out. At first they were quite upset, Sheena the Pleasure Sim had thoroughly enjoyed the amenities of the Shadowbane household, while Edward had been struggling to become a chef, lost his job, then got it back. But after they had found their dream home, they were happy to stand on their own four feet, had their baby Dorian on the day of the wedding, and all was well.

See more about them here.

Back to Raeburn!
One of my most favorite images of him. I do not know why he glowed like that, I had that happen only one other time with another character, Ontario. At first I thought it was because he had repaired the broken fitness machine :-), but Ontario had just played his bass. No idea what it is, but I love it.

Rae had a family burn-out. He was so happy when everybody, including all the pets that had accumulated over time, had finally moved out. He is not particularly outgoing, so he enjoyed the solitude, looked at the stars, studied, invited some friends over once in a while. And then of course he got bored :-) Or rather, I got bored with him. But since he showed up in every single welcome party for each new character I created, I got to see him once in a while :-)

This is how he met Jeremiah.

They had a very loving relationship for a while, with Jeremiah supporting him in setting up Rae´s restaurant "Di Lorenzo", but, alas, fate works in strange ways, and when Rae was in yet another welcome party, he met Matt. Meet Matt, the Mad Hatter:

He is the guy on the sofa, a little hard to spot, channeling Harold Lloyd :-)

Matt, would you mind coming over here, so the people can see you a bit better?

Here is Matt, having tea in Wonderland, his amusement park:

This was when I started to learn how to use OMSPs :-)

But I am jumping ahead. Head over to this post for more infos!

Nero and Adrian Delacroix

So, instead of doing more of this in medias res (jumping right in the middle) stuff, I decided to introduce my neighborhood family-wise.

One of the first families were Nero and Adrian which I created in CAS (Create a Sim) and just threw them into a household together. I had just started with downloading different bodyshapes, and these were the first to try the Slim Body Builder shape. I really like shape, but the skin has its flaws here and there, but as I can do nothing to correct that, I decided to just live with it.

Nero, on the left, is a Romance Sim, Adrian Popularity. That combo works quite well together, Adrian always wants to throw parties, and Nero has the chance to meet many people for his amorous affairs. It is always fun to play the household and invite all the other Sims over, and see how they interact. Adrian was a little in love with Nero, but he was absolutely not the kind of guy who enjoys an affair. He is way too serious for that. Evil Nero didn´t care much about that, though, and in an attempt to boost his aspiration meter, kept flirting with Adrian until the latter finally caved in.

Poor Adrian. For him, love is a serious business, but Nero, being too much absorbed with his pursuits, was already hunting for the next prey.

Adrian endured that for a while, but things changed when he was part of the welcome wagon for a newly made character, Raeburn. Don´t get me started on Raeburn ... :-) Please, do!!! Rae for me is the core of the whole neighborhood, the sun around which all other planets spin ... *deep sigh*

An idealized father/lover-figure, a father which I never had in real life, but the longing for such a figure still remains ... Gosh, I love that character to death :-) More about him and his ever growing clan later :-)

He looked a little different in the beginning:

Puppy-eyed, with spiky hair :-)

This was all way before I figured out how to take bigger screenshots on the Mac (cmd-doubleclick on the Sims program when you launch it, this will give you the option to play it in windowed mode or change the screen resolution. I set mine to 1280 x 800), so the quality of the earlier shots really isn´t that great.

Well, Rae was new in town, lonely, stuck in a medieval-looking kind of castle lot, and fell in love with Adrian instantly. And vice versa!

Adrian eventually left Nero and moved in with Rae, who due to a lucky stroke (me discovering motherlode, yeah!) got rich overnight and started rebuilding his moldy castle into a sort of Moroccan/oriental oasis. They spent a few years there, being a happy couple, until things started changing and Adrian finally left Rae and moved back in with Nero, who had been devastated when Adrian had moved out.

You would think now that everything is fine again in the Delacroix household, but the human psyche works quite differently :-)

While living with Rae, Adrian had met an older teenager, Nureon. The two really had developed a crush on each other, but since Nureon was quite a bit younger, the whole thing was guilt-laden on Adrian´s side.

Nero did not mind it, he is quite relaxed regarding an open relationship, but Adrian was torn between his own high standards of faithfulness and his desire for Nureon. Nureon eventually made up his mind when he grew up and lived with someone else, but the two still have a huge crush on each other.

During all this, Nero realized he really wanted to be with Adrian. For some reason (reinstalling etc.), their relationship had hit rock bottom, and Nero went to great pains to win Adrian´s heart back. He changed his aspiration from Romance to Fortune, took Adrian to the beach, then to a fancy restaurant and finally Adrian gave in, and they became engaged.

Adrian first had to break up the engagement with Rae though, which was quite a hassle and ended in a lot of fighting and tears :(

Well, everytime I play this household, I intend to finally let them marry, but for some reason can´t make up my mind :-) There is always another party to be thrown, another skill point to be gained ... I am not sure whether Adrian and Nureon finally want to take the jump to be with each other or not. Another one of those loose ends :-)

Besides, don´t these two just look adorable with each other?